
Community Care Ministry Summary

Support for the Bowie Interfaith Food Pantry in the form of food and monetary donations, an annual “Souper Bowl” collection of canned goods, weekly volunteer hours by eight of our members, contributions to school supplies collections, holiday gift room and holiday adoption of families for gift-giving, representation on the Pantry Board

Sponsoring an annual Rise Against Hunger (previously Stop Hunger Now) meal-packaging event (see for more information)

Annual team participation in PG County’s Christmas in April, under the direction of one of our members, Chuck Arnold, who volunteers as a house-captain

Support for Alpha and Beta House, ASLC membership in the Bowie Supportive Housing Corporation and representation on the Board

PG County Child Resource Center “Holiday Helper” Congregation

Partnership with University of MD Campus Ministry, supporting their Humble Walk program, their mentorship program and their school supplies collection for area children

Twice annual hosting of the homeless through the county’s Warm Nights program
cancer support group

Our Just Grace initiative, which strives to form partnerships with other congregations working to advance conversation about racism and advocacy for social justice

Prison ministry

As a Bowie Certified Wildlife Habitat, we collaborate with area programs and initiatives which educate our citizenry about wildlife sustainability and which undertake projects to assure it

Participation in educational programs to advance public awareness and support for the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Support for Lutheran World Relief, Lutheran Disaster Response, and Lutheran Social Services of the Metro DC Area

Participation in the Bowie CROP Walk in those years when it is held