
prayer-iconWhat is the AMP Prayer Model?

AMP is a practical tool for corporate prayer meetings by which we can experience enjoyable, sustainable and anointed prayer.  In coming together corporately for adoration (praise), ministry time and intercession we are able to methodically spark one another in a greater measure than with individual prayer.  Corporate prayer releases power and unites a body of believers to pursue the Lord together.  This harmony of believers is a pleasing fragrance unto the Lord.  (Psalm 133)

ADORATION The first component of the AMP Prayer Model is that of releasing love-based prayers in adoration. Use music as a way to corporately engage the group, but the focus is to be on the prayers. Use key launching pad scriptures to align your heart by declaring who He is. The focus of this time is to set the gaze of the group on the realities of Heaven.  (Colossians 3:1)

Launching with Scriptures

Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.  (Hebrews 4:16)

Praying the Verse: “You are the lovingly approachable God, the one whom I can run to at any moment. You are gracious and compassionate. You are slow to anger and rich in love.”

He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.  (Psalm 23:3)

Praying the Verse: “You are the loving reconciler and the restoring God. You refresh my soul with the kiss of your Word. You are a God who makes the wrong things right.”

MINISTRY (Laying on of hands)  After adoration, transition into a time for group prayer ministry. The leadership from the prayer gathering should pray (with the laying on of hands) over members of the group. This is a time of blessing, without this people will not continue to come for the long-term.

TIP:  Have people stand and (as the music plays) have the leadership pray one-on-one with members of the group. Ask what to pray for each individual person, so that you can encourage them rightly. Pray scriptural prayers to sow into the lives of those who are attending the meetings.

PROCLAMATION (Intercession)  After a significant time of corporate prayer ministry, it’s time to begin intercession. This prayer time can be used to proclaim the promises of the Lord, or intercede for requests brought to the table. The key is to keep prayers focused on proclamation and steer the group away from worrying or “needy” prayers.

TIP:  Use apostolic prayers, or the prayers of Jesus to give you language for your prayers.

Focal Points for Proclamation Prayer

– Pray for the activity of God (i.e. “Thy Kingdom come”)

– Contend for specific promises (Tip: agree on a group theme to maintain unity)

– Church (declare her destiny)

– Kingdom of God in the marketplace (i.e. teachers pray over students)



Ending a meeting in fellowship helps build a team and nurture the group dynamic. Have coffee together. Informal sharing helps develop relationships beyond the workplace, and is a necessary component in the development of any gathering of believers.